Gemstones are all beautiful in their own special and unique ways, but there are some that just have a way of catching the eye. Bicolor and color change gemstones are scientific marvels that intrigue you with their color diversity. Let’s dive into these gems, how they got their color, and what kinds of stones to look for.
Bi-Color Gemstones

Bicolor gemstones exhibit two or more distinct colors. This multi-color effect is created depending on how the stone formed. As gems grow, they can be exposed to different gasses and heat levels at various times in their creation period. The chemical changes that occur cause different colors to show on different parts of the same gemstone.
Sometimes a bicolor gemstone shows two separate colors with an almost distinct line where the colors shift into one another. Such is the case with ametrine, which showcases stunning purple and yellow/orange colors characteristic of amethyst and citrine that tend to meet in a defined line. However, not all bicolor gemstones have two colors that meet in a singular line. These colorful gems can also display multiple colors that blend more gradually in an ombre effect or show up spotty throughout the stone. Imperial topaz and bicolor sapphire, such as Montana Sapphire, boast these fascinating and unique color blends.
Tourmaline has the most options available for bicolor. There are infinite possibilities for how they are combined into a single stone with color options in blue, teal, green, yellow, pink, orange, purple, and red with many shades of each color.
Tanzanite, derived from the mineral zoisite, comes in a variety of color combos – such as blue/green, blue/purple, blue/green/purple, and green/purple.
Ametrine, a quartz gemstone previously mentioned, comes in a purple/yellow bicolor combination.
Sapphire, a member of the corundum family, comes in almost every color imaginable with a variety of color combinations.
Imperial Topaz exhibits the warmest yellow/orange/pink/red hues.
Color Change Gemstones

Another interesting color phenomenon in gemstones are the color change gemstones. These gemstones have a talent for appearing in different colors under different light sources. The physics behind this is fascinating. Each light source has a different wavelength and causes colors to absorb differently on the same material. Natural light sources (sunlight) will make certain gemstones appear as one color and that color will change if illuminated by artificial light sources (candle light, incandescent light, fluorescent light).
Alexandrite is the most iconic stone that comes to mind when you think of color change gemstones. A member of the chrysoberyl family, alexandrite changes from green/teal to red/purple when exposed to each different light source.
Sapphire has various colors, but purple sapphire is particularly known for its color changing properties. This specific form of sapphire can change from purple to violet blue.
Garnet, which is a form of almandine-pyrope, is able to change from purple/red to orange/brown in certain lighting.
Curated Gemstone Service
You have a vision in mind and we want to help make it happen! With our connections with gemstone cutters, like Roger Dery Gem Design, we can locate the perfect gemstone for you. Send us a message through the website, call or text us at 419-782-4061 or stop in the store!